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Lawless Forget the Filler Lip Gloss in Maple Sugar #lawlessforgetthefiller #lipplumper

Flower Cosmetics by Drew Barrymore

I was at my local Walmart this weekend and came across this end-cap display of the new cosmetics line Flower by Drew Barrymore. Nouveau Cheap has a great entry about the product launch! I love Drew Barrymore and I think she always looks beautiful so I am so excited about this line.

Lash Knockout Mascara

Extreme Measures Mascara 

Lip Service Lip Butters

Shine On Lip Gloss

Velvet Lip Color

Nail'd It Nail Lacquer

 Nail'd It Nail Lacquer

I actually didn't buy anything from this collection!! It's not because I didn't want to, but because the real product I wanted to try (their BB Cream, which is supposed to be a REAL BB Cream) was not in this display. I'm sure I will be placing my order online soon since the whole collection is up on the Walmart website.

Will you be trying anything from this collection?


  1. I am really curious about this line, but am waiting for some more reviews to come out before I give it a go.

    1. I just bought a few things from the website..I'll be sure to post some reviews. =)

  2. I went looking for them at my Walmart and they did not have them out yet! said that they were in stock, but I didn't find them. I am going to check back tomorrow. You would think they would have them out already since I live in Walmart country (Northwest Arkansas). Boo! I hope to find them soon!:)

    1. has a better store search. Walmart told me there was no stores carrying it near me, but the FB website said there is one.


    NOT tested on animals.

  4. OMG! Drew Barrymore is my favourite and I discovered her beauty brand through your blog, wish I could find this brand here as well.

  5. The only thing I dislike about Walmart is how girls and women open things so much. Hopefully I can see it/buy it more that happens.

  6. I'm so excited to try this line! I want to try a nail polish called April Showers and i want to try a lip color and one of the blush/bronzer duos.


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